
Content Creator


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Learn about the

amazing ​community

of VRChat with

the Noved Notes ​Podcast!

Learn about the

amazing ​community

of VRChat with

the Noved Notes ​Podcast!

The Noved Notes is a VRChat Podcast featuring ​himself interviewing many different creators and ​communities around VRChat! From avatar ​creators, world developers, asset builders, ​community representatives and many more ​amazing people in the VRChat Community!

NovedPlayer (Youtube)

VRChat Bio

NovedPlayer, also known as Noved, is a small yet prominent ​content creator and personality within the VRChat community. He ​gained popularity through his activities, which include DJing, ​Singing, Event Hosting/Assitance and hosting the Noved Notes ​Podcast. NovedPlayer is known for his involvement in VRChat ​events, collaborations with other creators, and his interactions ​within the virtual reality community.


NovedPlayer is a trained vocal musician, specializing in the barbershop ​and acapella style. He has been a part of the Barbershop Harmony ​Society since 2016 and has been a Barbershop Chorus Director of the ​Spirit of Saint Louis Chorus since 2020. He has also won the 2023 ​International Chorus Champion title with the 5 time International ​Champion Chorus, Ambassadors of Harmony.

Noved is also a DJ and KJ since late 2018, hosting many events, from ​birthdays, weddings, Karaoke bar nights and many more social events. ​Known for his mashups and keeping the party going!

NovedPlayer’s Works

with other VRChat ​communities

Projekt Community

Media Team and Community Relations Staff

Concentration: Video Editing, Graphic Design, Voice Acting, Community and Staff ​Relations

Portal Media


Specialization: Body Acting, Voice Acting

Pool Parlor Community

One of the Commentators for 8-ball and 9-ball Pool Tournaments

DJing for other community and Large Scale Events

Uganda, Kocho no Yakuza, Projekt Community, Avifair

Hosting fun times for all, with party hits and cursed mashups that keep the party ​afloat!

NovedPlayer is a notable figure in the ​VRChat community, recognized for his ​diverse contributions ranging from ​content creation and community ​engagement to large event volunteer ​participation and podcast hosting. Here ​is an in-depth look at NovedPlayer based ​on the available information:

Video edits by NovedPlayer

Happy Anniversary VRChat and ​PJKT


A Dance Video to Celebrate the 10 year ​anniversary of VRChat, and Vanessa Wolf’s tribute ​to VRChat and Projekt Community.

Avifair Season 3 Promo Trailer


Promo trailer for Season 3 of Avifair, a virtual ​reality game festival held inside of VRChat ​showcasing avatar creators, asset builders, VR ​communities and other types of creativity within ​the VR community.

Projekt: HorrorCon Announcement ​& Info

Projekt: Community

A suspenseful noir-inspired thriller where a private investigator delves into a web of conspiracy and intrigue in the dimly lit streets of a mysterious city.

Featured on:

Pool Parlor x PJKT Tournament

Projekt: Community

Novedplayer from the NovedNotes Podcast

Metaverse Degen

Phantasmagoria: A Fever Dream Story

Portal Media

Will Ye answer the call from the abyss!

HorrorCon 2024 Signups

PJKT Fest 2024 Pool Tournament With ​Commentators: NovedPlayer,Chris Kani and ​FantasyProgram!! Players went up against one ​another in hopes of being the winner!

Noved was interviewed by Lionturtle21 and ​DirtyRaptor on their podcast, Metaverse Degen, ​talking about Noved’s works with Conventions and ​starting out the Noved Notes Podcast

From the Minds of “What if Life was a Fever ​Dream” and “A Totally Normal Game Show” ​comes a new story featuring many familiar ​characters and faces! Releasing in 2024!

Noved was the Sailor in the 2024 HorrorCon Sign ​Up Announcement from Projekt Community, using ​his voice to declare the eldritch horrors of the ​Scare filled Virtual Reality Convention known as ​HorrorCon

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Chorus Champion

Barbershop Harmony Society

2023 International Chorus Contest

Ambassadors of Harmony

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2024 People’s Telly Award

Projekt Community

PJKT Fest 2023

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